
This is a classic New England candy.  It has the consistency of fudge, though I don't think it technically qualifies since it doesn't have any chocolate.  I've also heard it referred to as caramel fudge and brown sugar fudge.  I call it a diabetic coma.

Cut into 1" x 1" x 1/2" pieces, you'll end up with approximately 160 pieces, so you'd better have some friends to help you eat them.  (And if you don't have friends then this candy can only help your odds )


  • 470g sugar
  • 470g light brown sugar
  • 310g heavy cream
  • 160g milk
  • 100g light corn syrup
  • 190g invert sugar (liquid)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 10g vanilla extract
  • 190g pecans, toasted and chopped
  • 120g fondant


  1. Combine the sugars, cream, milk, corn syrup, and invert sugar in a large pot.  Cook to 118ºC, stirring constantly.  Stir in the salt.
  2. Pour the remaining ingredients on top.  Place pot in a cool place and allow to cool to 50ºC.
  3. Pour out on countertop and agitate until it turns creamy and opaque.
  4. Pour into a 9x9 silicone baking pan.  Place a sheet of parchment paper on top and use to smooth out the top.  Allow to cool before removing the paper.
  5. Cut into squares and enjoy.  Wrap the leftovers to prevent them from drying out.
