Toffee Drops

I love the hard, buttery taste of toffee.  Dipping in dark chocolate is optional, but I think it really completes the flavour.  The recipe below is for a 9x9 inch batch.

You can scale the size up or down pretty easily by multiplying by the ratio of the area of the pan you'll be using.


  • 422 g sugar
  • 141 g milk
  • 141 g heavy cream
  • 141 light corn syrup
  • 6 g salt
  • 6 g clear vanilla extract
  • Dark chocolate, tempered (optional)


  1. Combine the sugar, milk, and heavy cream.  Bring to a boil while stirring constantly.  (Use a large pot, because it's going to boil really high)
  2. Add the corn syrup.  Continue cooking and stirring until it reaches 140ºC.
  3. Add the salt and continue cooking and stirring until it reaches 145ºC.
  4. Remove from heat and add vanilla extract.
  5. Pour into 9x9 silicone baking dish.  Allow to cool to warm, plastic consistency.  Score surface in grid pattern.  I used one of these tools and a ruler to mark it in one-inch squares.  You don't need to push through, just score the surface and form a pillow-shaped top.
  6. Once cooled completely, remove from silicone baking dish and break into squares along the scored lines.
  7. If desired, dip 1/2 of the candies in dark chocolate along a diagonal for decorative pattern.
